Putting plans into practice
a prosperous, connected and green Baltic Sea Region
The City of Lappeenranta warmly thanks the speakers, panellists, participants and all other people involved in this successful event. Photos of the event are here.
Pls read a summary of the event by Centrum Balticum here.
Thematic report can be downloaded here (the draft report will be complemented with a BSR researcher’s conclusions soon)
Download presentations of the 13th Annual Forum:
The 13th Annual Forum took place from 28th to 29th of September in Lappeenranta, Finland.
The event was moderated by Peter Nyman and Bettina Rafaelsen.

The Annual Forum of the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is the largest event of the Strategy. It brings together all the stakeholders implementing the EUSBSR as well as other participants who would like to contribute to managing the common challenges the Baltic Sea Region faces.
If you would like to organize a project meeting during the Forum week in Lappeenranta – 10 meeting rooms of varied capacity are available every day from 26th to 30th of September free of charge (it is up to you when you organize the meeting, but please try not to miss any sessions of the main programme of the Forum: 10:00 on 28th September – 14:00 on 29th September). Meeting rooms are free of charge.
Please contact annualforum2022@lappeenranta.fi if you would like to book a room.
The bookings will be handled on a “first come – first serve” basis.

Lappeenranta, the climate capital of Finland, creates sustainable success stories together with residents and companies. The European Green Leaf Award 2021 winner and the brave central city of Southeast Finland is a solution-oriented pioneer in renewable energy and science education.

The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR)
The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) is the first Macro-regional Strategy in Europe. The Strategy was approved by the European Council in 2009 following a communication from the European Commission.